Saskatoon Twin Charities, a non-profit corporation incorporated in 1996, operates City Centre bingo under a class ‘A’ license to assist its member charities (class ‘B’ license holders) through raising funds for their respective charities. Each session is operated by a different member charity and, on average, approximately $3 million is distributed among all 51 charities per year.
City Centre Bingo has approximately 40 employees and is the only program hall in Saskatoon, each running approximately 2.5 hours in length. There are also four half hour or one hour sessions of come-and-go style bingo, a full concession, and option to play traditional paper as well as electronic bingo.
Double Wins Now Available in ALL Sessions
Matinee 1:00pm
Evening 7:00pm
Late Night 10:30pm Thursday to Saturday Only
7 Days a Week
12:00 – 1:00 pm
6:00 – 7:00 pm
Regular Program Jackpots
Early Bird
Houdini Blackout
Minus One
Catch the Star
Orange Jackpot
What People Are Saying
"The atmosphere is awesome. The games are exciting and quick."